Rebirth Island Resurrected: Is This the Shot in the Arm Call of Duty Needs?


Call of Duty fans may have let out a collective cheer as rumours surrounding the return of the beloved Rebirth Island map was finally confirmed. With its frantic pace and smaller scale, this fan-favourite had been sorely missed since it vanished from Warzone. It seems the devs have been listening, and now Rebirth is back – but is it enough to reinvigorate a Call of Duty scene that’s been feeling stale lately?

Why Rebirth Matters

  • A Change of Pace: Let’s be honest, the massive Al Mazrah map in Warzone 2 is a mixed bag. Sometimes, you want to get stuck in with fast action, and that’s where Rebirth Island shines.
  • No More Camping: Rebirth’s close-quarters design means nowhere to hide. If you’re the type who gets frustrated with campers ruining a match, this map is a breath of fresh air.
  • Quick and Dirty Fun: Rebirth matches are over in a flash. Perfect for players who don’t have hours to dedicate to a single Warzone session. Get your adrenaline fix, then jump out!
  • A Chance to Level Up: That smaller map means more kills, loot, and opportunities to quickly level weapons that are a pain to grind on Al Mazrah.

Is It Enough?

While Rebirth Island’s return is a welcome surprise, it doesn’t fix all of Call of Duty’s current problems. Netcode issues, an awkward progression system, and a sense that Warzone 2 has lost some of the original’s magic are still major concerns. Rebirth Island is a band-aid, not a cure-all.

While the return of Rebirth Island is exciting, it doesn’t mask the elephant in the room: Call of Duty’s increasingly aggressive microtransactions. The price of cosmetics bundles is exorbitant, often exceeding the cost of a full-priced game. Moreover, some weapon blueprints offer subtle gameplay advantages, blurring the line between pay-to-win and paying for a cool skin. This relentless focus on monetisation makes it harder to appreciate the core game.

The endless parade of branded operator skins, fast food emblems, and sponsored tournaments further dilute the Call of Duty experience. While optional, this constant barrage of advertisements cheapens the game’s gritty military aesthetic. It’s easy to become cynical, wondering if the next content drop will be an actual map or a chance to deck out your soldier in soda-themed camo… for an extra $20.

The Verdict

Will Rebirth Island single-handedly bring back lapsed Call of Duty players in droves? Probably not. However, it DOES offer a much-needed injection of fun and variety for those still invested in the game. Sometimes, you just want simple, chaotic shootouts, and Rebirth Island delivers that in spades. Consider it a good reason to hop back into Call of Duty and re-sharpen those skills – at least until the next round of major content drops.

I would just keep clear of the predatory monetisation.
